..Laugh as much as you choose,but you will not laugh me out of my opinion.. -Pride and Prejudice

Friday, April 22, 2011

Crazy week.
So many things to do before this semester is over!
Never ending projects and assignments, tests and head aches!
But it will be over so soon and I cannot wait.

So I promised a blow by blow of Jackson,
and I wouldddddddd
if there was very much to tell. haha

It was fun though, I loved seeing so many people I don't see very often, especially all the boys who were on the cruise with us, I have missed them! 
Jackson is a gorgeous place, but cold! 
We got up there on friday night, and watched people party haha
Saturday we did all the touristy things to do and then had the dance that night, and watched people party.
Sunday we woke up, ate breakfast and drove home.
This may not sound very fun, but I promise it was.
It was definitely an experience I am glad to have had.
Me and Mohsen, he wasn't my date, but I just love this picture!

And tonight..
Chiddy Bang and Mike Posner!!
So excited.
It will be so fun! 

Anyway, sorry for the lame posttt.
I promise my next one will be better!


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